We have India's best online / Offline Tender Bidding Support Team who gives offering consultancy to different bidders on regular schedule. We work constantly in the interest of bidders to guarantee precise and opportune Bid Submission of their choose Tenders to win contracts.
Get tender bidding support services, tender filling services from expert tender consultant at Softech Density Solution. We are providing technical bidding; tender bidding support and also tender support services. Our tender advisor provides you end to end tender bidding and Price Bid & technical bidding support for all type of Tenders in India.
Most Experience Focused Technical Team for Bidding Support, we give Precise however Complete open door in this manner saving your significant time.
Components of Our Tender Support Services:
- Understanding of RFP and creating a list of documents to be submitted. The Company will have to dedicate a person from their end who will work under the guidance of the consultants.
- Preparing the pre-bid questionnaire and attending pre-bid meetings for locations which are not easily accessible to the participating company. Here we can tie-up with local representatives on behalf of participating companies.
- Review of the documentation prepared by the representative of participating company as a response to the RFP / Tender. In this case there may be multiple sessions required depending the size of documentation and quality of preparation done by the representatives.
- Finalisation of Bidding Documentation.
- Guidance and full support on online / Offline bidding submission and usage of Digital Signature.