Shop & Establishment Registration is a labor law registration, Every business entity (other than a factory) employing any employees is required to obtain shop & establishment registration and follow the rules prescribed under the shop and establishment act. Shop & Establishment Act provides for rules & Regulations with respect to working hours, holidays, weekly off, etc.

The registration under shops and establishment act is regulated by the labour department of respective state, and it is mandatory for all business entities which do not fall within the ambit or applicability of The Factories Act, 1948. Even cases where the employees are working from home, this registration is necessary to obtain. Most of the state governments have passed their own law through the legislature assembly or have adopted some other state government legislation on shops and establishment. We are providing professional services in the matter of registration of the establishment and compliance with various provisions which may be required under respective Shops and Establishment Act.

Who can apply for Shop Establishment Certificate ?

Validity of Shop Establishment Certificate

Shop establishment certificate is valid for a certain period. This varies from State to State. The owner shall apply for the renewal after expiry.

List of Documents for Shop Establishment Certificate Registration

Following are the documents required for Shop Establishment Certification: